ϳԹ is responsible for contacting all students to collect
amounts owed on their student accounts. The school may contact students by billing
statements, outreach efforts by phone or email and final notices.
Student accounts that are deemed delinquent because of non-payment will be referred
to the State to intercept the amount due. The payment can be intercepted from the state tax refunds, and/or lottery winnings over $600, under Massachusetts General Law (MGL) and . Also, any state payments through the warrant are sources as well. The past due balance
will also be assigned to an outside collection agency under MGL and and an additional 16% collection fee will be added to the total due. Students will
be held liable for the total amount due including the collection fees.
Note: Student account debt is considered an “educational benefit overpayment or loan” as
defined by the US Courts in accordance with and therefore is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.