There are three other ways to request your tax transcript if you cannot complete the IRS Data Retrieval process. Please make sure you request a tax transcript. Do not request a tax account transcript or record of account. We will not be able to use these two forms for verification. Also, the IRS does not charge you for a copy of the tax transcript. There are three ways to request your tax transcript: by phone, online or by mail.
Tax Return Transcript Ordered By Phone
- Call the IRS at 1-800-908-9946 (7:00am to 10:00pm)
- Tax Filers must follow prompts to enter their Social Security Number and the numbers in their street address.
- Select "Option 2" to request an IRS Tax Return Transcript, and then enter the year.
- If successfully validated, tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Tax Return Transcript at the address that was used in their telephone request within 5 to 10 days from the time the IRS receives the request.
- IRS Tax Return Transcripts requested by telephone cannot be sent directly to a third party by the IRS.
Tax Return Transcript Ordered Online
- Click Get Transcript Online
- You will go through a user authentications process and will need access to your personal email address and a secure code will be sent via text. Also, specific financial account numbers will be needed (such as credit card numbers or account number for an auto loan.
- Select the year of the transcript and type of information requested.
- The document will be displayed in PDF (you will need to turn off your pop-up blocker).
- Click Get Transcript by Mail
- Enter your SSN, Date of Birth, Street Address, and Zip Code
- Click Continue
- Select Return Transcript for Tax Year
- Click Continue
Tax Return Transcript Ordered by Mail
- Complete Form 4506-TEZ (Request for Transcript of Tax Return)
- Form 4506-T is available online at
- Mail or fax the completed IRS Form to the appropriate address (or fax number) provided on page 2 of the form.
- Your transcript(s) will be mailed within 10 days or longer from the IRS.